Sunday, April 19, 2009


National reaction to the week of the Tea Party has been mixed. I agree with Russ Lemmon, it was a ten. The reaction by Obama backers can best be summed up in a joke.

President Obama was sitting in the Oval Office when his press man ran in and said Mr. President, Mr. President the taxpayers are revolting. Yes I know replied President Obama, I don't like em either.


Big story this week has to do with the School Board.

As usual the Vero Press Journal missed or buried the big story. Here are some of the stories the PJ published as news: "K Mart has Double Coupon Week", "Daisy Hope opens Thrift Store", "Cinco De Mayo at St. Francis Manor". We had stories written by reporters from St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach and Tallahassee passed off as local news.

Ask yourself, If two county Commissioners went on a camping trip together and spent several days talking and then returned to cast several important votes in lockstep using many of the same arguments to rationalize their position the Press Journal would scream bloody murder wouldn't they? And rightfully so.Well that is exactly what may have happened on the School Board and the Press Journal knew about it but did not say a word!

School Board members Debbie MacKay and her new best friend Claudia Jimenez reportedly spent several days together on a camping trip with their families. They returned from their trip to vote against Imagine Schools 6th grade and supported a measure to add grades to a barely functioning Thompson Elementary. Both railed against Charter School parents, administrators, teachers even charter children as being racist. According to camping buddies MacKay and Jimenez, Charter parents employees and children also discriminate against the handicapped, and are downright all around bad people. Far cry from their pledges to support diversity and parental choice.

The meeting which was not broadcast but recorded will be available on Monday. School officials have refused to release the CD until then. This meeting shows MacKay and Jimenez acting together on a number of issues. It also shows teachers confronting Board Members and staff. The teachers union made a strong case for keeping teachers and cutting administrators. Currently almost half of all 2100 employees are not teachers. It also shows that Dr. LaCava is the highest paid school administrator on the Treasure Coast not counting the $100,000 gift from Board Chairman Carol Johnson.

So what does the Press Journal say about the trip. even though I know for a fact they knew about it early last week. So who is watching out for you? Don't count on the Press Journal.

The Indian River Report will wait until Wednesday to give our crack newspaper and its less than neutral editorial staff a chance to address the issue. If not the Indian River Report will make an official request for information from Ms. MacKay and Jimenez and will file an official request for an investigation of possible Sunshine violations.


Indian River unemployment keeps rising. Now over 12% and climbing. It was not encouraging when I observed the Indian River Neighborhood Association arriving with a large delegation for a meeting in the Community Development office. So far the IRNA plan to address unemployment has been to raise taxes, raise fees, oppose mining, manufacturing and construction. They say they want to "preserve our quality of life". What they don't say is they want to preserve "THEIR" quality of life, not yours".

66th Ave.

In these tough economic times many communities are delaying or changing priorities on expensive projects. So far Indian River County has not made any adjustments to its multi million dollar construction schedule. One possible change is on 66th Ave.

Commissioner Gary Wheeler brought forward the suggestion at last weeks Commission meeting. Three lanes instead of four would save taxpayers millions and still increase capacity more than 20%.

Furthermore, a handful of property owners are playing hardball with the County's efforts to purchase needed right of way. This redesign would eliminate the need for right of way. Property owners like former Commissioner Ruth Standbridge should have taken the County's first offer. New appraisals would likely show substantial reductions in price. Commissioners also wisely declined an offer to the Banack family that could have led to taxpayers possibly having to purchase a half million dollars in unsold palm trees. Remember the Banack family trust. They were the ones that got the School Board to buy $14 million dollars worth of property at $95,000 per acre. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.


Important meetings this week include the County Commission on Tuesday. The future of Dodgertown will be on the agenda as well as the City of Vero. Can't tell anyone what will happen but it will be worth being there.

Planning and Zoning meets to discuss the next step in Commissioner Davis's economic recovery plan. The plan calls for a board of common sense to allow reform in the burdensome permitting process. Staff has made some additions upon direction by the Professional Services Committee. P&Z meets at 7:00 Thursday.

Economic Development meets Tuesday at 3:00. They will discuss budgets and ways to develop tourism. By the way, I have been told by a reliable source that a movie had an interest in filming here recently. According to the source they were told "we're not interested." Please tell me this is not so....please!


Surrounding Counties are doing things that you should know about.

St. Lucie County is considering a proposal to give local bidders priority. A similar proposal was not passed in Indian River. Maybe we should look again.

Talk about Quality of Life. What will happen to us if Osceola County gets its way. Plans for a city sized project at Yeehaw Junction called Desteny is being considered by state planners. Includes, get this, 100,000 new homes. YIKES! Straight down State Road 60 to the beach. If the IRNA wants to do something to protect our "Quality of Life" this is a good place to start. Fight Osceola County.


Most observers say the new Loar administration is doing a good well as it gets settled in the job. But this week had a few challenges. First the wrong man was arrested and kept in jail for 8 days before he could prove mistaken identity. OOps.

Second a series of questions were submitted addressing budget cuts. The list was clearly written by an insider in the department. Disgruntled current or former employee is probable. The County is asking all Constitutional officers to cut budgets 12%. The Sheriff will be doing very well to come in flat. Not to pick on Kay Clem but cuts are more than possible at the Supervisor of Elections office especially since there are no elections this year. None at all.


Thumbs up for Circuit Judge Robert Pegg. Saved the girls Lacross team. Whatever else everyone supports the players.

Thumbs up for Carol Johnson, Karen Disney, and Matt McCain. They got it right.

Thumbs down for Claudia Jimenez and Debbie MacKay. Even if they didn't break the law they got it wrong. Both voting the wrong way and going on a camping trip together before a vote. There is more but I will keep it to myself for now.


  1. Eagerly await more info on the McKay-Jimenez friendship. If true, these ladies have sealed their fate in my book.
    Don't knock the story on K-mart "Double Coupons"..I saved FOUR dollars there! Also, did pretty well at the new Ace Hardware store on Oslo Road/3600 block. Thanks for another exciting report!

  2. I happened to run into another family member who was on that same camping trip. There were 40 people on the trip, which is a tradtion of several years. Your article makes it appear that only the McKay Familty and Jimenez family were present. I think you are in serious danger of libel for printing an out of context fact which implied that these 2 board members planned an outing to cover up for illeagal discussion. When I found out that there were 40 people on the trip , I looked at it in a whole different light. Please, all the facts next time!

  3. To whom wrote the last comment. If you read the story he NEVER indicated it was only two families. I'm sure if he knew how many people were there he would of put it in the story. He was making a point. They violated the Florida Sunshine law. Also why would Mrs. McKay use chater schools to win the election then turn against it. She will burn her own self and Mrs. Jimenez should watch out because she may fall with it. Debbie ruined her name. Shes nuts and they are about to get crack wide open if she does not watch herself. Her crazy antics might just cause her to lose her seat. Maybe someone should look into that. My grandkids are older then 12th graders but I am very annoyed with the trouble she is stirring up with this new Charter elementary school. I looked at the way you would register to go there and it says nothing about not accepting certian kids. So i called and talked to a very nice lady in the staff and she informed me that they provide everything that a child needs. Of course they are different from traditional schools, maybe thats why it is working.

  4. I believe there are several city elections this November contrary to Mr Wilson's comment that the Supervisor of Elections office does not have to handle any elections this year.


Charlie Wilson Report